Ieșire în teren pe Valea Arieșului​
Field trip to the Arieș Valley

Field trip to the Arieș Valley

Field trip to the Arieș Valley

On August 11, 2022, the project team went into the field to interview the locals. By involving the locals in all stages of developing the application, we ensured its adaptation to the community's needs and the specific characteristics of the study area.

From preliminary discussions with the locals, it became clear that human activity, specifically waste thrown in fields or water bodies and direct discharge of waste into flowing waters (especially in the Arieș River), is the main source of pollution in the areas under investigation. Littering in fields or rivers is the most significant source of frustration for community members when discussing the area's environmental quality. Most believe that behind this behavior lies the lack of education and indifference of some towards nature.

Another common practice of improper waste management is burning and/or burying waste, with many unaware or ignoring the toxic effects of these activities on the environment and people. We found many areas along the Arieș Valley with illegal waste dumps covered with soil using excavators.